Bright, cheerful and with a commanding presence, Eideann is obviously full of life. She carries no distinct scars or disfigurations, though she has obviously seen battle. The bright red mane atop her head is braided down each side of her neck to hang over her chest. She's very laid back, even for a dwarf and is almost always seen with a mug of ale in her hands. Not wine, not mead, not...whatever it is that those Elves drink. Ale. And lots of it. She's VERY bossy, and determined, and will almost always get her way.
She's a soldier for the Alliance, almost always seen fighting and her armor is proof of it. Her armor is military issue and though she rarely wears it she DOES have a helmet. She by far prefers a mace to a sword, but will gladly use a sword if it's all she's got.
Preferred scenes are at an Inn with a mug of ale or on a field of battle with bright golden wings of light.
((These link to Picasa))
Eideann Front
Eideann Left Side
Eideann Back
Eideann Right Side
Eideann CloseUp
Helmet She Never Really Wears (She carries it with her, though)
Current Art