An OC of a World of Warcraft Character. Her name is Ithildin and she is a Night Elf Druid. Standing very small for night elves, she is very pale. Her hair and eyes are white, but she does not seem to be blind. She is very much a mother for everyone, often found at home making something to eat and always having a cup of tea ready for whoever visits. She always looks over everyone, and can tell a lie in an instant in that uncanny way that mothers can. Currently, she is 7 months pregnant and has quite the bump. She's often seen in a robe usually green and/or silver in color. Sometimes white. She is always a healer for everyone and she loves nature. When she isn't at home, she's usually found in the company of a green drake.

Either of two scenes are acceptable, one being in an old style, fantasy setting home with a hearth and a large rug where a large black cat sleeps (think: jaguar) as she sits nearby with a Japanese style cup of tea, OR in a forest, surrounded by trees and ivy and leaning against a large green dragon as he watches her with amusement as she plays with a wisp.


To clear up any confusion, her skin is pale, almost white. It is the same as a very pale human with only slight blueish tints.

Current Art