The young child lay there, teal hair looking pale and lifeless, damp with sweat. Her eyes were closed in pain as she wailed to the stars. Nearby an elderly doctor stood over her cradle looking grave. He looked to the young couple standing across the room and sighed. The woman had teal hair like the child, which she twirled in her worried hands, as the young man pleased his hands on her shoulders. "Tell us...what's wrong with her?" The doctor sighed, closing his bag. "I really couldn't tell you. I'll run some tests but..all I can do now is give her something for the pain. I've never seen anything cripple a child so much and have no other symptoms..." His voice was quiet, contemplative. The young woman burst into sobs and fled the room, unabe to stand it any longer. The man brushed a bit of emerald green hair from his eyes and sighed. "Do what you can for her...please." The doctor nodded and removed a small vial from his bag. Picking the child up in his arms he tipped a bit of the liquid into the babe's mouth and began to rock her gently. She began to quiet, her pale blue eyes looking up at him in thanks before she fell asleep. The doctor handed the child and the vial to her father. "A bit of this when she starts to wail. I'll do what I can to find out what's wrong but...she's not got long." The man looked up, startled. "All I can say is to ask Elune for guidance and spend as much time as you can with young Ithildin." "W-what do I owe you, Doctor...?" The doctor closed his bag and shook his head. "Nothing...Ishnu-Allah, Ledorian Ar'Thieron." He left then, unsure what else he could do for the young baby. Ledorian looked down at his child, tears burning in his eyes. "Aeardin, come down here." The young woman came down, wiping her eyes and looking sheepish. He handed the baby to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her forhead softly. "Aear, let's take her to the Glade...medicine can't help her, maybe the water there can...and if not...then we should let her go." "D-do you know how mad that sounds?" She looked down at her only child, still crying. The babe seemed rather peacefully asleep. "What other options do we have, Love? Wait for the doctor to find something? You heard him...she's nearly gone now." "You're right...Take us there, my love...We will pray for her..." He closed his eyes, bright white light encompassing their bodies. The world around them faded from existance, changing from their tiny home in Ashenvale to the safe haven of the Moonglade. In silence they walked through the town, their heads lowered. No one would speak to them, and many looked away. Many believed they carried a cursed child, a demon plagued child. They made their way to the Barrow Dens, their destination actually the large, pure moonwell just outside. They waded into the water a ways before Aear knelt in it. Ledo took his place across from her, and they held the child between them. Quietly they chanted a prayer to Elune and slowly lowered her into the water. Ithildin's eyes snapped open and she began to cry again, the cold water shocking her awake. They continued their prayers, ignoring the screaming of their child and lowering her even farther into the water until she could no longer be seen. Aear began to sob as the baby thrashed and flailed, desperate for air. Her eyes locked with her husband's, pleading with him, but to no avail. Soon the child's fighting began to weaken, then stop. Aear backed away from the baby, horror on her face. "Ledo! What have we done?! We've killed her!" He moved to her quickly, taking her in his arms as she broke down into sobs. "We set her free, Aear...she's not in pain anymore..." Neither one looked at the child, now floating in the water lifeless. The water began to glow a bright white, pulsing softly. The baby's deep teal hair began to change, turning white, the color leaking away into the water around her. Her pale blue eyes began to change as well, the blue color dripping out of the corners of her eyes like tears. Slowly the couple turned to their baby, watching in bewilderment. A figure made of light appeared behind the baby, lifting her from the water and cradling her in its arms. Waving its hand over the child's mouth, the water floated up and out of her lungs and collected into a small sphere above the both of them. Ithildin gasped, taking in a lungfull of air before letting out a loud scream of terror. "Shhhh...." The figure spoke in a haunting voice, filld with the sound of tinkling bells. She placed a finger on Ithi's lips and the child stopped crying, looking up at the figure with wide eyes. As the figure turned to the couple, Aear fell to her knees. "I gave you this child, Aeardin...Gave you her to nurture, not to kill. How dare you toss her away like this?" "I...I..." The young woman couldn't find words to explain herself. "She has been touched by the Moon, Aeardin. She will no longer fall ill, and she will have a much larger part to play in the future...take care of her and I shall reward you with another. Teach her the ways of a druid, lead her on the path of strength and support. One day I will call upon her again." The figure handed the child to her mother, who took her and held her close, still crying. "Ledorian, teach her the ways of a hunter. Let her learn the use of a bow, and a sword. One day she may need the information." "Of course..." The figured disappeared without another word, leaving the three there in the well. Ithildin smiled up at her mother, reaching up and grabbing her nose. Aear burst into happy sobs, holding the baby to her chest as she stood to face her husband. "She'll be okay now, Aear..." "She's beautiful, Ledo...Let's go home..."