The sheets were like ropes, tying her up, choking her. She tossed and turned, trying to break free but unable. Her body was coated in sweat and her hair was matted to her head, tangled and damp. The dream had come again just like ever night and she couldn't shake it. The lights were dimmed and outside the stars sparkled faintly. The small house gave off a warm glow as the sun began to rise ever so slowly over the old city. A few birds chirped, fluttering off as the guards walked by. Inside the house a young human lay across the lap of her feral fiancée, her hands playing idly with the long white tail that wrapped protectively around them both. Elissa muttered something near inaudible to her beloved, and both of them giggled sleepily. Satyia's fingers dances playfully through Lis' hair, looking mischievous as she mixed the perfectly separated blue and blond sections. Lis frowned, nipping playfully at the elf's wrist. Upstairs was a quieter scene. A young elven woman lay on the bed, her arms wrapped around a young baby, her long blue hair mixing with his white locks. A large frostsaber lay curled around them both, purring reassuringly to the two sleeping forms. His ears flicked about at the slightest sound, his tail twitching from time to time. The baby nestled closer to the woman, muttering the word “Sissy” before falling back into his deep slumber. Nothing seemed to give forewarning. There were no bells, no alarms. Just suddenly they were there. The demons, the Legion! In Stormwind! In their home! Immediately Satyia and Elissa lept to their feet, weapons drawn, blocking the doorway. With a roar that shook the whole house Satyia yelled back to those that still slept. “We're under attack! Ares!! Get Adan out of here!” The large white cat lept to his feet, grabbing the child and tossing him into the saddle in his back as the woman nodded to him, grabbing her daggers and following close behind the cat. With the toss of a chair and a fearless leap they both fell from the second story window, running full speed the moment they hit the ground. From behind them they could hear anguished cries of pain, and Ilanna did her best to block out the noises. She had to protect her brother, at all costs. As they rounded the corner they came to a very sudden stop. A felguard stood there, waiting for them. Ares barely had time to slow down before the sword pierced through his chest, severing his spine. With instincts born of a life of less than reputable jobs, Ilanna swooped to snatch the child, catching him before he hit the ground and running as fast as she possibly could toward the griffins. There was a sound, like the rushing of a thousand winds and a force pushed against her as such. She doubled over, protecting the child with her body until the power subsided, very slowly glancing up around her. Five felguards, and a succubus for each. Her face was grim and she set the small child on the ground at her feet. “Come to me, villains. And you shall know the name of Stormrunner!” With a cry she rushes the closest guard, staying close enough to Adan to shield him from any attacks. Unfortunately, luck must always run out eventually. There was a snapping sound as a fel blade impaled the woman through the chest, lifting her up a few feet before slamming her back down on the ground. She had enough strength left to watch as Adan moved to her. “Sleep, 'Lanna...” He picked up one of her daggers and turned to the monsters, wearing a face that a young toddler should never wear, but what can a baby do against the Legion? Their duties finished they left, leaving the dead baby with his dying sister. She crawled to him weakly, pulling him close to her. “I'm sorry, Ithi...I failed...” The light faded from her eyes slowly as she lie there, clutching his crushed body to her, her life pouring out around her. Ithi woke with a scream, clawing at her sheets as she began to sob brokenly. She began to cry out in prayer as Satyia rushed to the bed, holding her close. “Please! Elune, please don't let this come to pass! Please don't let this happen!”