I'm not as good with flowery prose as you are, but my words are no less sincere. I promise to love you with all of my heart for as long as it continues to beat. When you are sad, I will hold you and offer to destroy those who have upset you and when you are happy I will likely dance around the house giggling. I promise never to call you a 'noob' except in jest, and to always guide you through the toughest boss fights. I promise to defend you against an army of trolls and to stand beside you as we face off against the unspeakable evil. I promise to always revive you if I am able. I will, on occassion, give up the most holy seat of Player 1, but only to you. There may be no cow level, but that doesn't matter. I have you, now and forever, and I can't think of any better loot than that.